April 7, 2024

Top Reasons Why You Need a Dam Liner This Rainy Season in 2024 Building and maintaining a dam is not an easy task and requires proper lining for long-term functionality and integrity. In Kenya, dam lining is a modern water conservation method for storing water in reservoirs, dams,…

December 17, 2023

How Mazero Dam Liners Extend the Lifespan of Your Water Harvesting System Water scarcity is a pressing concern for farmers, especially in regions with erratic rainfall patterns. To address this challenge, they are turning to water harvesting to ensure a consistent water supply for their agricultural operations. Water…

November 5, 2023

Harvesting the skies: Take advantage of the rains and invest in dam liners for better water management in 2023 The rains come as a sign of relief for farmers and everyone in general and cuts the cost on irrigation. However, as the world continues to face challenges related…

September 3, 2023

Harvesting the skies- It’s time to take advantage for the coming rains October is approaching. As the rainy season approaches in Kenya, it is essential to start preparing for the influx of water that comes with it. One of the most crucial aspects of preparing for the rains…