Harvesting the skies- It’s time to take advantage for the coming rains

October is approaching. As the rainy season approaches in Kenya, it is essential to start preparing for the influx of water that comes with it. One of the most crucial aspects of preparing for the rains is water storage. With proper water storage techniques, you can harness the power of the rain and ensure a stable water supply throughout the year.

However, with the advent of innovative water storage solutions, such as rainwater harvesting and storage systems, households and communities can mitigate the impacts of water scarcity.

Install Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Rainwater harvesting systems are an effective way to collect and store rainwater for later use. These systems can range from simple, inexpensive setups to more complex ones involving large tanks. The key is to have a system in place that can collect rainwater from rooftops or other surfaces and channel it into a storage unit.

Rainwater Harvesting- Making the Most of Precious Rainfall

Rainwater harvesting is a crucial practice that involves the collection, storage, and use of rainwater. It provides an additional source of water for both domestic and agricultural purposes, supplementing traditional water sources.

Store Water in Large Tanks

For those with larger water needs or larger properties, installing large water tanks is a viable option. These tanks can have capacities ranging from a few hundred to several thousand liters. Make sure the tanks are made from durable materials, such as polyethylene, to prevent contamination and deterioration over time.

On-Farm Ponds- Accessing Groundwater and Capturing Runoff Water

By digging ponds on the lowest points of their fields, farmers can access groundwater and capture runoff water. Ponds intercept the flow of water and sediments, reducing erosion and improving water quality.

When not used for irrigation purposes, the stored water can infiltrate the soil, replenishing the aquifer. Regular maintenance, including desilting, is necessary to keep the ponds operational. On-farm ponds are particularly suitable for small-scale farmers and can be constructed with various capacities, depending on the water requirements.

Runoff Water Harvesting from External Catchments- Expanding Water Sources

Another effective water storage solution is the collection and retention of runoff water from roads and built-up areas outside the target catchment. Non-graded, hand-dug ditches are used to collect and store the runoff water, which can then be utilized for irrigation purposes.

By integrating external catchments into the water supply system, farmers can access additional water resources and increase soil moisture content. Proper erosion control measures, such as soil bunds, are essential to minimize erosion risks and ensure sustainable water storage.

Enhancing Water Storage Efficiency

The gley method is a technique that utilizes organic materials and anaerobic decay to create an impermeable layer in ponds and canals. By adding materials like banana leaves, grass, and manure to the bottom soil, an impermeable layer is formed through anaerobic decay. This layer prevents water leakage, increasing irrigation efficiency.

The gley method is particularly beneficial for farmers without access to groundwater, as it helps retain rainfall and runoff water on the surface. However, it should be noted that the impermeable layer hampers aquifer recharge.

Cisterns- Underground Storage for Rainwater

Cisterns are underground storage tanks that collect and retain rainwater. Lined with materials like gypsum or concrete, these tanks prevent vertical and lateral infiltration, ensuring water availability during dry periods.

Cistern systems typically consist of an impluvium, a sloping catchment area, a sediment settle basin, and a storage reservoir. They can be used for individual or communal water storage, offering a reliable source of water for domestic and agricultural use. Regular maintenance, including desilting, is necessary to keep the cisterns operational.

Maintain Your Water Storage Systems

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your water storage systems, regular maintenance is essential. Clean out any debris from rain gutters and downspouts to prevent blockage. Inspect the storage tanks for any signs of leakage or damage. Remember to regularly test and treat the stored water to maintain its quality.

From rainwater harvesting systems to rain barrels and large tanks, there are several methods to collect and store rainwater. Remember to prioritize water treatment and maintenance to ensure the stored water is safe for use. By implementing these measures, individuals and communities can become more self-sufficient and resilient in the face of water scarcity.

Prepare for the rainy season with exceptional water storage systems and high quality dam liners. Don’t let leaks and seepage affect your water storage capabilities and storage efforts. Start harvesting and preserving the water for future use. Enjoy unlimited solutions at Mazero. Explore our wide range of products and secure your water storage system today, whether it’s a pond, underground tank, or other storage solutions.  Contact us today!

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