Oxfarm in Partnership With Mazero Brings You Mango, Avocado and Drip Irrigation Solution.

Both avocado and mango farming have gained significant prominence in recent years, with the country emerging as one of the leading producers of avocados and mangoes globally.

The nutritious benefits of avocados and mangoes, coupled with a ready market both locally and internationally, have made it a lucrative venture for farmers.

As the profit potential of the two fruits stays keeps rising, farmers stand to witness an innovative alliance between two visionary entities, Oxfarm and Mazero.

By infusing forward-thinking methodologies into the agricultural landscape, this partnership manifests a revolutionary emergence of fruitful bounty, primarily with mango and avocado farming.

Coupled with the introduction of an impressive drip irrigation solution in the fruit farming packages, Oxfarm and Mazero endeavor to mitigate water deficiencies and create a vibrant orchard.

Demystifying the Lucrativeness of Avocado Farming in Kenya!

Given its temperate climate, most parts of the country provide a conducive environment for avocado farming. With consumer demand for this nourishing fruit continuing its exponential rise, significant revenue generation comes as an assured factor.

Here’s forecast returns for the first 10 years from one acre with 150 hass avocado trees.

• The first two years –growth stage

• 2nd year (harvest of 50 fruits per tree) – 60k

• 3rd year (harvest 200-250 fruits) – 240k

• 4th year –(400 fruits) – 480k

• 5th year – (800 fruits)- 900k

• 6th year – (1000 fruits) – 1.08m

• 7th year –(1100 fruits) – 1.3m

• 8th year –(more than 1300 fruits) – 1.5m

• 9th year – (more than 1500 fruits) – 1.8m

• 10th year – (more than 1750 fruits) – 2m

Total cumulative returns Ksh 10 million

An instrumental facet of this lucrative collaboration is the drip irrigation solution. As water plays a pivotal role in avocado farming, the groundbreaking partnership expedites crop yields while optimizing global consumption. This will contribute to an accelerated return on investment.

Despite the initial setup cost, the benefits overshadow the investment, demonstrating the unrivaled profitability of avocado farming.

The Richness of Kenya’s Mango Farming Scene!

Known for its all-year-round mango production, Kenya has steadily solidified its standing as a significant mango producer and exporter. Oxfarm in collaboration with Mazero are tapping into this potential, leveraging on the country’s unique geographic and climatic advantages.

Similar to avocado farming, the Mazero drip irrigation package stands pivotal to mango cultivation as well. Conducive to the country’s semi-arid regions and during drier seasons, this system facilitates judicious use of water, fortifying soil moisture levels. This translates into higher fruit yields.

The proof lies in the puddling -strong international demand combined with this collaborative farming model, undeniably catalyzes mango farming in Kenya. Thus, affirming the ventures as an attractive, high-profit margin opportunity for Kenyan farmers.

Oxfarm in partnership with Mazero

At Mazero, we have partnered with Oxfarm to bring you a mango, avocado + drip irrigation package to sort your needs at a cost of KES 115,000.

Here’s a breakdown of the package.

  • 150 avocado or mango seedlings. This will cover a capacity of one acre.

  • Expert planting services.

  • Button drip irrigation system

  • Installation services

  • Organic fertilizer

  • Labor

  • Market connection

  • One free beehive

In addition, we offer the Venturi System for fertigation at an additional cost of KES 5000.

For mango seedlings, we offer the following varieties;

  • Apple

  • Tommy

  • Ngoe

  • Kent

For the avocados, we offer the following varieties in this package;

  • Hass

  • Fuerte avocado

Contact us today at Oxfarm on 0706 222 888 or Mazero on 0729 777 711.

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