Harvesting Success: Top 5 Benefits of Shade Nets in Propagation

When it comes to gardening and horticulture, many tools and techniques can help you in the process of propagation. You need the right tools to do the job in the right way and shade nets are one of the tools you need.

In propagation, shade nets protect the young plants from extreme conditions like excess temperatures, wind, rain, and sun. These conditions need to be controlled to achieve optimum results.

What Are the Shading Requirements?

The percentage of shade nets that you need varies depending on the shading requirement and type of crop.

90% and 75% shade nets are the most ideal for tender crops in nurseries while 50% and 30% are best for crops in the hardening stage. Here’s a breakdown of the percentages.

  • 90% shade nets. They are best for nurseries and seedlings in areas that are extremely hot and low altitudes.

  • 75% shade nets. These are perfect for mild to high-altitude areas and moderately hot regions. They are perfect for different growth stages from germination to hardening. 75% shade nets can be used for propagating succulents and orchids.

  • 50% shade nets. They are ideal for the hardening of seedlings in extremely hot areas. These are best for vegetables like lettuce, capsicum, tomatoes, cabbage, kale, cuttings, foliage plants, and potted plants.

  • 30% shade nets. These are best for crops that have high light requirements and need less shading. You can use them for crops like pili hoho, pepper, cucumber, squash, strawberry, and roses.

Key benefits of shade nets

1. Protection from Harsh Environmental Conditions

As a farmer, you need to protect your delicate young plants from harsh conditions. Shade nets are made to protect your plants from heavy rains, strong winds, and extreme temperatures.

They serve as a barrier, shielding your plants from the harsh elements and scaling up your propagation goals. Shade nets are useful in nearly all stages of propagation and provide you with a perfect environment to grow healthy seedlings, especially in the early and hardening stages.

2. Regulation of Temperature and Humidity

Shade nets create a microclimate that is ideal for propagation by reducing temperature fluctuations, maintaining consistent moisture levels, and increasing humidity.

During hot weather, shade nets provide a cooler and more shaded environment for seedlings to grow. In colder periods, they act as insulators, trapping heat and creating a warm and protected space for propagation.

3. Improved Air Circulation

Shade nets allow the flow of air, preventing the build-up of heat and moisture which can lead to the growth of fungal diseases.

Good air circulation is a necessity in seedlings and helps to strengthen the stems and enables them to develop healthy root systems. This promotes their overall health and vitality.

4. Protection from Pests and Predators

Birds, insects, and other animals can pose a threat to young plants and seedlings during propagation. For this reason, they need a physical barrier. Shade nets act as a protective shield in nurseries, preventing these pests from damaging the plants. Also, it reduces the cases of pollen contamination, ensuring you get pure, healthy, and genetically stable plants.

5. Promote crop growth and performance

The primary goal of shade nets is to achieve a higher growth rate and have a vibrant nursery. With it, you are protecting your crops from harsh weather and providing a controlled environment for the seedlings.

Whether you are propagating vegetables or seedlings of trees like citrus, avocado, or mangoes, you can never go wrong with shade nets.

Before choosing a shade net, assess your goals and what you are propagating. Here’s what different percentages are for.

50% is suitable for;

75% is suitable for;

  • nursery stock

  • cabbage

  • peppers

  • lettuce

  • some Orchid varieties

  • potted plants

  • orchids

  • some ferns

  • large olive trees

  • Protection barriers on buildings

  • Use as silt fencing

  • Use as awnings

  • Use as livestock shading

  • Use as domestic shading

Shade nets % and prices

At Mazero, we offer shade nets of different % at competitive pricing. Check our pricing below:

  • 30% Shade Net – Kes 75 per square meter
  • 50% Shade Net – Kes 90 per square meter
  • 75% Shade Net – Kes 110 per square meter
  • 90% Shade Net – Kes 160 per square meter

Scale up Your Propagation with Mazero Shade Nets

Are you into propagation or want to set up a vibrant nursery? Whether it’s seedlings, vegetables, flowers, succulents, or vines, a shade net will be your ideal solution to having a thriving nursery.

At Mazero, we offer high-quality, durable shade nets that will take your nurseries to the next level. Our products are made from high-quality materials to serve you for years. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today! Reach us on 0729777711 for any inquiries.

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