November 25, 2023

In recent years, the adoption of solar irrigation systems has increased, offering sustainable and cost-effective solutions for agriculture. These systems harness the power of the sun to pump water for crops, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources. While solar irrigation systems bring numerous benefits, ensuring their long-term reliability…

July 2, 2022

Solar irrigation uses the sun's energy to power a pump which supplies water to crops and increases yields and profits for small farms. Solar irrigation system works when the pumps used for transporting the water are equipped with solar cells. Here, the solar energy absorbed by the cells…

June 20, 2022

As electricity prices continue to skyrocket and power becomes more unreliable in Kenya,more people are thinking of alternatives to the problem. Home owners, business and commercial centers are making the switch to solar power due to its high reliability, cost effectiveness and ability to produce one’s own energy.…