September 30, 2023

Building a dam is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and budgeting. One crucial aspect of dam construction is the lining, which serves as a protective barrier to prevent seepage and erosion. Calculating the costs associated with dam lining is essential to ensure that your project remains…

August 19, 2022

Water plays a vital role in the growth of plants and the production of all crops. It provides the medium by which chemicals and nutrients are carried through the plant and above all, the main constituent of the physiological plant tissue and a reagent in photosynthesis. However, soil…

July 30, 2022

Borehole is a small, open, narrow shaft that is drilled into the ground, horizontally or vertically, to access water. It is how you get access to pure underground water that is naturally flowing. When it rains, the rainwater seeps through the layers of soil and rock and is…

July 12, 2022

Rainwater harvesting is a simple strategy by which rainfall is gathered and stored for future usage. The process involves collection and storage of rainwater with help of artificially designed systems, that runs off natural or man-made catchment areas. Rain water harvesting is one of the most effective methods…