Borehole is a small, open, narrow shaft that is drilled into the ground, horizontally or vertically, to access water. It is how you get access to pure underground water that is naturally flowing. When it rains, the rainwater seeps through the layers of soil and rock and is known as groundwater. This can also be contributed to by streams, rivers and dams.

Having access to a borehole or borehole water is an affordable option and is arguably the cheapest way to deliver water to homes and for crops. If there is a good flow of groundwater, once a borehole has been dug, it can be used for all water needs. 

In normal conditions groundwater that is tapped, is safe for limited agricultural needs as well as for domestic use, but will most likely need some form of purification. It is always advisable to have this water tested before use.

It is possible to purify borehole water by putting the water through a testing process and installing the correct purification system. This will then make the borehole water suitable for drinking as well as irrigation.

Borehole drilling process 

Step 1 –  Siting the borehole location 

The very first thing that needs to be determined is where the water is, and how to access it. That’s why you need hydro-geologists who make use of a variety of borehole drilling methods to assess the geophysical properties of the underlying area. They help ensure you’re not drilling into natural hazards or man-made infrastructure (pipelines, cables, phone lines, etc).

Step 2 – Drilling and Construction

Once the hydro-geologists have helped in preparing a path for borehole drilling, we follow through and construct the borehole. It’s not easy, there are still steps to follow and processes to be completed.

Once the borehole has been drilled the necessary unstable lengths of the borehole are steel cased in an effort to reinforce the ‘tube’.

Step 3 – Determining the yield of the borehole

In order to most accurately gauge the yield of a domestic water borehole an aquifer test is performed. This involves installing a test pump and pumping borehole water for a fixed set of variables; a given time at a given rate, and then assessing the test’s impact on the water level in the borehole.

Maximum yield is achieved by increasing the abstraction rate, ensuring optimum drawdown of water in the borehole.

Step 4 – Pumping and piping the borehole

The kind of pumping system and piping installed in your new domestic water borehole will largely depend on the intended use of the borehole water.


What are the benefits of having a borehole 

1. It’s A Long-term Investment

A water borehole is a long-term investment. It may seem like a large upfront cost, but a properly constructed water borehole should last you at least ten to fifteen years with proper maintenance and minimal running or ongoing costs during that period.

2. Helps in maintaining your garden 

Having your own groundwater source also means you’re better able to take care of your property during times of water shortage, further increasing the property value. For example, when watering your garden with municipal water is restricted during times of drought, a garden can quickly become dry and unseemly, negatively affecting your property’s appearance and market value.

3. You Will Save Money In The Long Run

Though the drilling for and installation and proper maintenance of a water borehole may seem like, and probably does represent a large upfront cost, a borehole can actually save you money in the long run.

Not only will you cut down on your use of water from the municipal supply for large volume consumption activities such as topping up your swimming pool, watering the garden and taking on building and renovation projects that require water. You will also save on your water tariffs, and especially on the fines imposed on overuse of municipal water during drought and times of water restrictions due to water scarcity.

4. They Are Easy To Maintain

If your water borehole has been properly constructed from the get-go, proper borehole maintenance is a breeze. Contract a well-respected, professional borehole drilling and/or servicing company to maintain your borehole with routine checkups and any necessary service work and you’ll never run into trouble like people relying on the municipal supply.

5. Borehole water has some health benefits

When you drink the water straight from your personal groundwater source, it has been filtered and cleaned for you by mother earth herself, while leaving behind all the good-for-you minerals!

Not only is borehole water better for you from a water-consumption perspective, it is also typically kinder and gentler to skin if you’re showering and/or bathing in it.

6. There Will Be Less Strain on Municipal Supply

The lower the demand on the municipal supply, the less likely water restrictions are to be imposed, and the more likely necessary state operations like fire fighters are to have access to adequate water resources for activities like disaster prevention.

You can do your part to decrease the demand on the municipal supply by investigating groundwater sources in your neighborhood and investing in a personal or commercial water borehole.

7. Enjoy An Uninterrupted Supply

Sometimes accidents happen and water from the municipal line becomes temporarily unavailable due to burst mains or necessary maintenance on pipelines etc. A water borehole represents an uninterrupted supply for clean, fresh water for drinking, washing, and all other household activities. No burst mains, no unscheduled or unexpected maintenance; just a straightforward, ongoing supply of water.



A water borehole can have many long term benefits if it is done the right way, so it’s important to get the best people for the job. You will not only save money in the long run, but will have a healthy supply of water, decrease the strain on local municipalities and increase your property’s value. For any inquiries, contact Mazero Agrifood on 0729777711.

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