An impact sprinkler is a type of irrigation device designed to water large areas efficiently. It is widely used in agriculture, landscaping, and residential settings to ensure uniform water distribution over a designated area. The key feature of an impact sprinkler is its rotating head, which moves in a circular or oscillating motion, distributing water in a consistent pattern.

The mechanism of an impact sprinkler involves a combination of water pressure and a spring-loaded arm, often referred to as an “impact arm.” As water flows through the sprinkler, it hits the impact arm, causing it to pivot. This movement initiates the rotation of the sprinkler head, creating a distinct “impact” sound as the arm strikes a stationary plate or pin. This sound gives the sprinkler its name.

Types of Impact Sprinklers

  1. Traditional Impact Sprinklers– These are the classic, standard impact sprinklers that work based on the principle described earlier. They are known for their durability and wide coverage area, making them suitable for agricultural fields and larger open areas.
  2. Full-Circle Impact Sprinklers– These sprinklers rotate 360 degrees, covering a complete circle. They are often used in open fields where uniform water distribution is required all around.
  3. Part-Circle Impact Sprinklers- Unlike full-circle sprinklers, part-circle sprinklers cover only a specific sector of a circle, which is adjustable. This makes them suitable for irregularly shaped fields or areas where water should not be distributed evenly in all directions.
  4. Mini Impact Sprinklers- These are compact-sized impact sprinklers designed for smaller areas such as gardens, flowerbeds, or residential lawns. They offer the advantages of impact sprinklers but are more suitable for limited spaces.
  5. High-Pressure Impact Sprinklers- These sprinklers are designed to work efficiently even with higher water pressures. They are suitable for areas with strong water supply systems.
  6. Low-Flow Impact Sprinklers- These sprinklers are designed to operate effectively at lower water pressures and flow rates. They are suitable for areas with limited water availability or systems with lower water pressure.
  7. Traveling Impact Sprinklers– These are large-scale impact sprinkler systems mounted on wheels that move across the field, irrigating a large area in a systematic pattern. They are often used in larger agricultural fields.
  8. Turbine-Driven Impact Sprinklers– These sprinklers use a turbine mechanism to drive the rotation of the sprinkler head. They can provide consistent performance even at varying water pressures.
  9. Gear-Driven Impact Sprinklers- These sprinklers use a gear mechanism for rotation, which can lead to smoother and quieter operation compared to traditional impact sprinklers. They are often preferred in residential and landscaped areas.

How To Install Impact Sprinklers

Installing impact sprinklers is a methodical process that involves careful planning and precise execution. To begin, select the optimal location for the sprinkler based on the area you intend to irrigate. This decision should consider factors such as plant arrangement, water pressure, and coverage needs. Once you’ve determined the location, clear the surrounding area of any debris or obstacles that could interfere with the sprinkler’s operation.

Begin the installation by assembling the impact sprinkler according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Attach the appropriate nozzle and deflector plate to achieve the desired spray pattern and coverage area. To ensure a watertight seal, wrap Teflon tape around the threaded end of the sprinkler where it will connect to the water supply line.

With the sprinkler assembled, attach it securely to the top of a riser or stake. Take care not to over tighten, which could damage the threads. Connect the water supply line to the bottom of the riser or stake, using wrenches to ensure a tight and secure connection.

Once the physical components are in place, position the impact sprinkler at the desired height above the ground. This height can influence the reach and effectiveness of the water distribution. Adjust the deflector plate to set the desired spray pattern and coverage area. It’s essential to provide sufficient clearance for the impact arm to move freely without obstruction.

In cases where stability is a concern, consider using stakes or supports to keep the sprinkler steady during operation, particularly in windy conditions. Test the installation by turning on the water supply and observing the sprinkler’s performance. Look for leaks, irregular spray patterns, or other issues. Make necessary adjustments to the deflector plate and nozzle to ensure uniform water distribution across the intended area.

For larger spaces or multiple sprinklers, ensure there is proper overlap in coverage areas to prevent dry spots. If you’re integrating automated irrigation, connect the impact sprinkler to a timer or control system as required, following the instructions for programming and setup.

Conduct a final inspection of all connections and components to ensure everything is in place and functioning as intended. This step ensures reliable and efficient irrigation over time. By following these steps carefully, you can successfully install impact sprinklers that contribute to healthy plant growth and landscape maintenance.

Maintenance of Impact Sprinklers

  • Clean the sprinkler regularly to remove dirt, debris, and mineral deposits that can clog the nozzle and affect water distribution.
  • Check seals and gaskets for signs of wear or damage. Replace any damaged components to prevent leaks.
  • Apply lubrication to moving parts, such as the impact arm and pivot points, to ensure smooth operation and minimize friction.
  • Regularly check the alignment of the sprinkler to ensure it covers the intended area. Adjust the deflector plate if needed.
  • Look for any physical damage to the sprinkler, such as bent impact arms or cracked components. Replace damaged parts promptly.
  • Ensure that the water pressure remains within the recommended range for the sprinkler. High pressures can cause damage, while low pressures may result in inadequate water distribution.
  • Remove and clean the nozzle periodically to prevent blockages that can alter the spray pattern. Use a soft brush or a nozzle cleaning tool.
  • Regularly inspect connections for leaks. Tighten fittings as needed and replace any damaged parts that might be causing leaks.
  • If your sprinkler is mounted on stakes or supports, check their stability and alignment. Ensure they are securely anchored to prevent movement during operation.
  • If your sprinkler is part of a larger irrigation system, periodically flush the system to remove sediment and debris that can accumulate in the pipes.
  • In colder climates, ensure proper winterization by draining water from the system to prevent freezing and potential damage.
  • Over time, certain components like springs, seals, and impact arms can wear out. Regularly inspect these parts and replace them as needed to maintain optimal performance.
  • Trim vegetation and keep the area around the sprinkler clear to prevent obstructions that could interfere with its movement or water distribution.
  • Schedule routine inspections of your sprinkler system to catch any issues early and address them before they become major problems.
  • Always refer to the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations and guidelines specific to your sprinkler model.


Impact sprinklers are versatile and effective tools for efficient irrigation across various settings, from agricultural fields to residential lawns. Their rotating head and adjustable features ensure uniform water distribution, promoting healthy plant growth and maintaining appealing landscapes. By following proper installation and maintenance practices, impact sprinklers can play a vital role in sustaining lush greenery and optimizing water usage in diverse environments.

Apart from the quality sprinkler systems, Mazero has fantastic customer service and fast delivery of products. Our goal is to always leave our customers happy and satisfied. We work diligently to provide you with an innovative and efficient sprinkler system and use commercial-grade components. 

Contact us today on +254729777711 and you won’t regret.

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