How Often Should You Water Outdoor Plants?
If you have ever had an outdoor plant that has grown quite well, then you know how amazing they are! You may have even become obsessed with them and started to try new things with them. Watering your plants is an important step in caring for your outdoor plants. But it’s also something that many people need to take the time to do more. It’s not a matter of trial and error. You need to do it accurately. Most people suggest you should water your plants when the soil feels dry to the touch, but others say it’s better to wait until the soil is completely dry before watering. However, there are some signs that your plant needs more or less water than others.
They will die if there’s insufficient water getting to your plant roots. If you want to water your houseplants regularly, it’s important to know how often they need to be watered and how much they need. While it can be difficult to determine when and how to water your plants and crops, some key tips and tricks will ensure you stay within your garden. Tools like moisture meters can be a great addition to your gardening arsenal, but we’ve compiled some of the best things to do and remember when you switch on your sprinkler or hose.
We have compiled a few tips that help you navigate how to water outdoor plants in a rainy or drier climate.
Factors That May Influence Your Watering Schedule
Many factors determine how often you should water outdoor plants. These include:
Type of plant: Some plants require more frequent watering than others. For example, cacti can go for weeks without being watered at all. Others, like succulents, need less watering; however, this may be different if you have a succulent collection in your yard.
Planting place: If you are planting in containers, you know they come in all shapes and sizes. Besides, your soil’s drainage may also affect your watering frequency. For instance, in clay soils, the drainage is poor, and less watering may be required. In sandy soils, it’s higher hence more watering.
Amount of sun exposure: High exposure to sunlight means more evaporation and watering.
Here are several tips to consider when watering outdoor plants. Check them out!
Water Thoroughly and Evenly
Watering plants is a delicate balancing act. Too much water can cause them to become waterlogged, which can cause root rot or plant death; too little and they’ll dry and die.
The goal is to water the entire root zone, not just the top layer of soil.
Water when the soil
feels dry but isn’t bone-dry—you can also test your soil moisture by taking a handful of it and squeezing it between two fingers; if it feels sticky and soft, then you’re good to go.
Water Only When Necessary
Watering your plants too often can cause the roots to rot and the plant to die. When it’s hot and dry, you should water more often.
Check their soil to get an idea of when to water your plants. If it’s dry, water it. But be sure to only water the soil in areas where the roots can reach — not just the top part. A good rule of thumb is to wait until you see some browning on top of the soil before watering it.
Watering in the morning is best because most plants use up their water reserves from overnight dew or rain. Let them go for 24 hours before watering again in the evening (or at night). If you don’t have time for this waiting period, try watering only when the soil feels dry on top of its surface.
Water Only When Necessary
All plants will benefit from being watered regularly. Here are a few tips:
Use a watering can or hose with a fine spray. Water the plant until the soil is moist.
Continue to water the plant until it has absorbed all of the water, then allow it to stand in its pot until there is no more dripping from its leaves or stems.
Water the Roots
Watering the roots is one of the most important things you can do to keep your plants healthy and happy. The roots are where a plant gets its nutrients and moisture. Ensure that the soil surrounding each root is moist but not too wet (i.e., don’t let it get soggy).
Consider the Weather
If it’s hot and dry, water more often.
If it’s cool and humid, water less often.
If it’s cold or windy, water more frequently.
What To Avoid When Watering Outdoor Plants
Do not use sprinklers that spray large volumes into the air.
Do not underwater or overwater the plants.
Remember, the trees around also need water.
How To Water Your Outdoor Plants
Finding enough time for outdoor water plants amidst busy schedules can take much work. Directly water at the plant’s base to prevent the development of fungus on the foliage. When you apply water directly at the root zone, the water is readily available to your plants, and you minimize the evaporation rate. You can use soaker hoses, drip irrigation, and sprinklers to water your plants.
Drip irrigation is an efficient method of watering outdoor plants that solves the time and water wastage problems.
At Mazero Agrifood, we offer a wide range of precision irrigation products to enable you to water your outdoor plants in the best way. These include soaker hoses, drip irrigation equipment, and sprinkler irrigation systems. Our team of experienced technicians will assist you in the installation process and customize the irrigation systems according to your needs. Contact us today!