How much does a typical onion drip irrigation package cost?

As the demand for onions continues to grow, farmers are seeking ways to maximize yields and quality, while still conserving water resources. A way that has gained popularity is drip irrigation, an efficient and precise water delivery way to the onion plants’ root zone.

Why drip irrigation for onions?

Onions have specific water requirements at different stages to ensure optimal growth and development. Insufficient irrigation can lead to smaller bulb size and poor quality, while excessive watering results in rot and development of fungal diseases. But why is drip irrigation important?

1. Precise Water Delivery

Drip irrigation offers precise water delivery directly to the onion plants’ root zone. This method ensures that water reaches the plants’ roots without wetting the foliage, reducing the risk of foliar diseases such as Downey Mildew or Peronospora. By providing water directly to the roots, drip irrigation minimizes water loss through evaporation and runoff, maximizing water use efficiency.

2. Improved Crop Uniformity

Onions require consistent soil moisture to develop uniform bulbs. Drip irrigation provides a more controlled and uniform water supply, preventing moisture fluctuations that can lead to irregular bulb formation.

The precise water delivery of drip irrigation promotes more consistent growth, resulting in a higher percentage of marketable onions.

3. Reduced Disease Risk

Traditional irrigation methods, such as overhead watering, can leave the onion foliage wet for extended periods, creating a favorable environment for fungal diseases.

Drip irrigation eliminates this risk by delivering water directly to the root zone, keeping the leaves dry. The lack of leaf moisture significantly reduces the incidence of foliar diseases, contributing to healthier plants and higher yields.

4. Optimal Nutrient Uptake

Onion plants have shallow, fibrous root systems, making them susceptible to nutrient leaching when fertilizers are applied through traditional methods.

Drip irrigation allows for precise fertigation, the application of fertilizers through the irrigation system, ensuring that nutrients reach the plants’ roots directly.

How much does a drip irrigation package cost?

The pricing of a drip irrigation system varies depending on;

  • The system design

  • Distance from water source

  • Equipment required

  • Size of the farm

  • Terrain

At Mazero, here is a breakdown of our drip irrigation package for onions. Check it out!

Onion drip irrigation package pricing

Farm Size


1/8 acre

Ksh 30,000

1/4 acre

Ksh 50,000

1/2 acre

Ksh 80,000

1 acre

Ksh 160,000

Our pricing is inclusive of;

  • Drip irrigation materials

  • Installation

  • Labor (technician and casual)

  • Maintenance training

Drip irrigation offers onion farmers a sustainable and effective method for maximizing yield and quality while conserving water resources.

Inspect the system for any leaks, clogs, or damaged components that may affect water distribution. Clean filters regularly to prevent clogging and ensure uninterrupted water flow. Periodically check soil moisture levels to ensure uniform water distribution and make adjustments as needed.

Before getting started with drip irrigation, consult a professional to get valuable insights and guidance in designing an efficient system.

Are you looking for a drip irrigation system that is tailored to your specific onion farming needs? We custom-design our systems so that they meet the rigid criteria of our customers’ requirements: from size and water flow to drainage, irrigation pattern and working zone irrigation zone selection.

Contact us today!

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