Birds can cause significant damage to crops, livestock feed, and farm infrastructure, leading to financial losses for farmers. To combat these challenges, netting and physical barriers are commonly employed as effective bird control measures. In this blog post, we will explore how netting and physical barriers can be implemented on farms to mitigate bird-related problems. We will also discuss the benefits of these strategies and their role in protecting agricultural assets.

How Can a Farmer Control Birds on His Farm

1. Understanding Netting and Physical Barriers

Netting involves the installation of fine mesh materials over vulnerable areas to prevent birds from accessing crops, orchards, or livestock feed. The netting acts as a physical barrier that denies birds direct contact with the targeted areas. Physical barriers, such as fences or enclosures, create a defined perimeter to prevent bird entry into specific zones. Both netting and physical barriers serve as proactive deterrents against bird infestations.

2. Identifying Targeted Areas

This involves assessing a farm and determining specific locations that are vulnerable to bird damage. These areas may include orchards, vineyards, vegetable patches, poultry houses, or feed storage facilities. By identifying these target areas, farmers can focus their efforts on implementing appropriate bird control measures such as netting or physical barriers. This allows them to effectively protect their valuable crops, livestock feed, and infrastructure from bird infestations, minimizing potential losses and ensuring a more secure farming environment.

3. Choosing Suitable Materials

When choosing suitable materials for bird control measures such as netting and physical barriers, several factors should be considered. The materials should be durable, capable of withstanding outdoor conditions, and resistant to UV radiation. The size and strength of the mesh or barrier should be appropriate to prevent birds from accessing the targeted areas while allowing for proper airflow and sunlight penetration. Additionally, the materials should be selected based on the types of birds present in the area, considering their size and behavior. It’s important to choose high-quality materials that are specifically designed for bird control to ensure longevity and effectiveness. 

4. Measure and Cut

The step of measuring and cutting is an essential part of installing netting and physical barriers for bird control. Once the targeted areas have been identified, farmers need to measure the dimensions accurately to ensure a proper fit. This involves measuring the length, width, and height of the area to be covered by the netting or barrier. Based on these measurements, the netting or barrier material can be cut to the appropriate size and shape. It’s important to leave some slack to account for plant growth or movement of livestock. Precise measurements and accurate cutting ensure that the netting or barrier fits securely, providing effective protection against bird intrusion while maintaining the integrity of the installation.

5. Secure the Netting

Securing the netting is a crucial step in the installation of bird control measures such as netting or physical barriers. Once the netting has been cut to the appropriate size, it needs to be securely attached to support structures, posts, or frames. This ensures that the netting is taut and properly positioned, leaving no gaps or openings that birds can exploit. Various methods can be used to secure the netting, such as using clips, ties, or hooks. It’s important to ensure a tight fit and check for any loose areas or potential entry points. Properly securing the netting enhances its effectiveness by preventing birds from finding access points and protects crops, livestock feed, or infrastructure from bird damage.

6. Inspect and Maintain

Inspecting and maintaining netting and physical barriers is crucial for ensuring their ongoing effectiveness in bird control. Regular inspections should be conducted to identify any damage, tears, or sagging in the netting or physical barriers. This includes checking for loose connections, weak spots, or areas where birds might find entry points. Any compromised sections should be repaired or replaced promptly to maintain the integrity of the barriers. Additionally, routine maintenance involves keeping the netting or barriers clean and free from debris that could potentially compromise their functionality. By conducting regular inspections and performing necessary maintenance, farmers can ensure that their bird control measures remain in optimal condition, providing continued protection for their crops, livestock feed, and farm infrastructure.


Benefits of Netting and Physical Barriers

  • Netting shields crops, fruits, and vegetables from bird damage, reducing losses and ensuring higher yields. It prevents birds from feeding on crops, pecking fruits, or causing physical damage, resulting in improved harvest quality.
  • Physical barriers, such as feed storage containers or bins, safeguard livestock feed from bird infestations. By preventing birds from accessing feed sources, farmers can minimize contamination and spoilage, leading to cost savings and better animal nutrition.
  • Birds can carry and transmit diseases to livestock or crops. Netting and physical barriers serve as a protective shield, limiting contact between birds and valuable agricultural assets. This reduces the risk of disease transmission, safeguarding the health of both plants and animals.
  • By effectively preventing bird damage, farmers can reduce their reliance on costly pest control measures or chemical deterrents. This promotes environmentally-friendly farming practices and contributes to sustainable agriculture.
  • Properly installed and maintained netting and physical barriers have a long lifespan, providing farmers with lasting protection against bird-related threats. This investment pays off over time through increased productivity and reduced losses.

Challenges of Using Netting and Physical Barriers

  • Proper installation of netting and physical barriers requires careful planning and attention to detail. The process can be time-consuming and may require specialized skills or equipment, especially for larger-scale installations. Farmers need to ensure that the barriers are installed securely and that there are no gaps or openings that birds can exploit.
  • Netting and physical barriers require regular maintenance to remain effective. Over time, wear and tear, exposure to weather conditions, and potential damage from wildlife or machinery can occur. Farmers should inspect the barriers regularly and address any damage or sagging promptly. This may involve repairing or replacing damaged sections, re-tensioning the netting, or reinforcing support structures.
  • The cost of materials, installation, and maintenance can be a significant consideration for farmers, especially for larger farm areas. High-quality materials designed for bird control can be more expensive, and the cost of professional installation or specialized equipment can add to the overall expenses. Farmers need to assess the financial feasibility of implementing netting and physical barriers based on their specific circumstances and the potential benefits in crop protection or feed preservation.
  • Netting and physical barriers can present challenges in terms of accessibility for farm operations, such as harvesting, irrigation, or pest control activities. Farmers need to plan and design the barriers to allow for easy access to crops or livestock while still maintaining the desired bird control effectiveness. Consideration should be given to the placement of gates, access points, or removable sections in the barriers to facilitate farm operations.



Netting and physical barriers are highly effective bird control measures that offer significant benefits to farmers. By implementing these strategies, farmers can protect their crops, preserve livestock feed, and prevent damage to farm infrastructure. Proper installation, regular maintenance, and careful selection of materials are crucial for achieving optimal results. Mazero Agrifood Ltd is a leading supplier of quality bird nets at affordable prices. They also have a team of professionals that guide farmers in the installation process. Contact us today on +254729777711 and let’s make your farming journey a success.

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