A dam liner is an organic, cross-linked binding polymer crystal, specifically designed for applications such as dam sealing and general site water management. It is a synthetic membrane that is used to line the bottom and/or sides of a reservoir, pond, or other water storage structure. The purpose of a dam liner is to prevent seepage of water into the ground, thereby reducing water loss and ensuring that the stored water is available for use when needed. Dam liner is an easy-to-use, environmentally friendly product, capable of instantly sealing dams and other porous materials.

Ways in which a dam liner can be used;

  • Irrigation ponds, canals, ditches & water reservoirs
  • Aquaculture
  • Heavy duty industrial applications
  •  Leak-tight fuel establishments
  • Any leak proof facilities

Before installing a dam liner in Kenya, there are several factors that should be carefully considered;

  1. Type of dam liner: The type of dam liner should be selected based on the specific application, level of durability required, and resistance to UV radiation and chemicals.
  2. Site selection: The site where the dam liner will be installed should be carefully selected based on factors such as soil type, topography, and water sources. The site should be level and free from rocks, tree roots, and other obstructions that could damage the dam liner.
  3. Size of the reservoir: The size of the reservoir should be determined based on the water storage needs of the project and the available water sources.
  4. Climate: The climate in the area where the dam liner will be installed should be considered, including factors such as rainfall, temperature, and humidity. This can affect the type of dam liner and the design of the reservoir.
  5. Installation method: The installation method should be carefully selected based on the type of dam liner and the specific requirements of the project. The installation should be carried out by qualified professionals with experience in dam construction and liner installation.
  6. Cost: The cost of the dam liner and installation should be carefully considered, including factors such as material cost, installation cost, and maintenance costs.
  7. Regulatory requirements: Regulatory requirements for dam construction and liner installation should be considered and complied with, including obtaining the necessary permits and approvals.

How to install your dam liner

  1. Site Preparation: Choose a site that is suitable for a dam and clear the area of vegetation and debris. The site should be level and have good soil stability.
  2. Liner Selection: Select a liner that is suitable for your specific dam. The type of liner will depend on factors such as the size of the dam, the water flow rate, and the soil conditions. Common liner materials include polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, and EPDM.
  3. Liner Installation: Begin by spreading out the liner over the prepared surface of the dam. The liner should be cut to fit the dimensions of the dam and any necessary seams should be welded together. Anchor the liner to the ground using stakes or sandbags to prevent movement during installation.
  4. Testing: After the liner has been installed, it should be tested for leaks. This can be done by filling the dam with water and observing the water level over several days. If the water level remains constant, the liner is considered to be leak-proof.

How long do dam liners last in Kenya?

The lifespan of dam liners largely depends on several factors. These include the type of liner, thickness, the quality of installation and the environmental conditions in which they are used. Generally, high-quality dam liners made of materials such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) can last for up to 30 years or more with proper maintenance and care.

However, it is important to note that factors such as UV radiation, temperature, water chemistry, and physical stresses can affect the lifespan of dam liners. Exposure to extreme temperatures and harsh chemicals, for example, can cause the liner to degrade more quickly. The thickness of the dam liner can also play a major role whereby a 1 mm gauge dam liner is more resilient than the 0.5mm gauge.

Regular maintenance and inspections can help to prolong the lifespan of dam liners. This can include routine cleaning, inspection for damage or punctures, and repairs as needed. It is also important to ensure that the liner is properly installed and anchored to prevent movement or damage from wind or water currents.

How to choose the best dam liner

To get the best quality dam liner with the longest lasting material, HDPE liners are the best choice. These poly liners commonly come in four thicknesses: 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.75 mm, and 1 mm. If you are installing over sandy soil, then the 0.3 mm or the 0.5 mm one should be good enough. They offer flexibility, tear resistance, and strength that you would expect. The 0.75 mm and 1 mm liner have the highest puncture resistance, are a much stiffer product, and harder to install. Their 20-30 year life expectancy exposed to the sun makes them the best choice for very intense sunny regions.

How to maintain a dam liner

One important aspect that a farmer should take keenly is maintenance. Firstly, it is important to regularly clean the liner. It is also advisable to perform constant checks and inspections to determine whether any damage has been done to the liner. If any punctures or tears are found they should be repaired immediately, as this could lead to the water seeping into the soil. If any repairs need to be performed, it is best practice to consult a professional as they will be able to perform patches and replace sections efficiently and effectively.

Why are dam liners so important?

  1. Agriculture: Agriculture is the backbone of the Kenyan economy, and it accounts for a significant portion of the country’s water use. Dam liners are widely used in agriculture to store water for irrigation and livestock watering, and to control water runoff.
  2. Aquaculture: Aquaculture is a growing industry in Kenya, and it relies heavily on water resources. Dam liners are used in aquaculture to create fish ponds and to regulate water quality.
  3. Environmental protection: Dam liners help to protect the environment by preventing pollution and contamination of groundwater and surface water sources.
  4. Water conservation: Kenya is a water-scarce country, and the demand for water is growing due to population growth, urbanization, and climate change. Dam liners help to conserve water by reducing evaporation and preventing seepage into the ground.
  5. Mining: The mining industry in Kenya requires large amounts of water for mineral processing, dust suppression, and other activities. Dam liners are used to store water for mining operations and to prevent contamination of water sources.


Changing weather patterns in the country and globally are increasingly making water a very scarce resource. As such, water storage by use of dams, ponds and pans is now a very common practice. To ensure you manage this important resource properly when it is available, quality dam liners are required. The dam liners price in Kenya depends heavily on the quality of the liners and the technology used to make them.

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