Cellular or Solid – Which Polycarbonate to Choose for Greenhouse?

When it comes to selecting the perfect polycarbonate material for your greenhouse, there are two main options to consider – cellular and solid. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, so it’s crucial to make an informed decision. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of both cellular and solid polycarbonate, helping you choose the ideal material that suits your greenhouse needs.

Understanding Cellular Polycarbonate

Structure and Composition

Cellular polycarbonate is composed of multiple layers with a honeycomb structure in between. The honeycomb structure consists of interconnected cells that are filled with air, providing excellent insulation properties. This unique construction makes cellular polycarbonate lightweight while maintaining its strength and durability.

Benefits of Cellular Polycarbonate

Excellent Insulation Properties

One of the key advantages of cellular polycarbonate is its exceptional insulation properties. The air-filled cells act as insulators, creating a barrier between the interior and exterior of the greenhouse. This insulation helps regulate temperature and reduces heat loss, making cellular polycarbonate an ideal choice for regions with extreme weather conditions.

Lightweight and Easy to Install

Cellular polycarbonate panels are lightweight, making them easier to handle and install compared to other materials like glass. Their lightweight nature allows for simpler construction and reduces the need for additional structural support. This makes cellular polycarbonate an excellent option for DIY greenhouse projects.

Impact Resistance

Cellular polycarbonate is highly impact-resistant, making it a durable choice for greenhouse construction. Unlike traditional glass, which is prone to shattering, cellular polycarbonate can withstand accidental impacts, hailstorms, and other harsh weather conditions. Its impact resistance ensures the longevity of the greenhouse structure.

UV Protection

Another significant benefit of cellular polycarbonate is its natural UV protection. The material contains additives that block harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, protecting plants inside the greenhouse from sun damage. This UV protection helps maintain an optimal growing environment and prevents the greenhouse structure from deteriorating due to prolonged sun exposure.

Applications of Cellular Polycarbonate

Cellular polycarbonate is widely used in various applications, including greenhouses, skylights, roofing, and partitions. Its excellent insulation properties, lightweight nature, impact resistance, and UV protection make it an ideal choice for greenhouse coverings. Whether you are building a small backyard greenhouse or a large commercial structure, cellular polycarbonate offers numerous advantages for your project.

Exploring Solid Polycarbonate

Characteristics of Solid Polycarbonate

Solid polycarbonate differs from cellular polycarbonate in its structure. While cellular polycarbonate has a honeycomb structure, solid polycarbonate consists of a single, solid sheet. This solid sheet provides additional strength and durability to the material, making it suitable for various applications.

Advantages of Solid Polycarbonate

Superior Strength and Durability

Solid polycarbonate is renowned for its exceptional strength and durability. Its solid sheet structure allows it to withstand heavy impacts, making it resistant to breakage and shattering. This strength ensures the longevity of the greenhouse and provides protection against extreme weather conditions.

Optimal Light Transmission

One of the key advantages of solid polycarbonate is its excellent light transmission properties. Solid panels allow maximum light to pass through, providing plants with the necessary sunlight for photosynthesis. The high light transmission of solid polycarbonate ensures optimal plant growth and productivity inside the greenhouse.

Versatility in Design

Solid polycarbonate offers versatility in greenhouse design. It can be easily shaped, bent, and cut to fit various architectural requirements. This flexibility in design allows for custom greenhouse shapes and sizes, catering to specific needs and preferences.

Enhanced UV Protection

Similar to cellular polycarbonate, solid polycarbonate also provides UV protection. It contains additives that block harmful UV rays, preventing plant damage and maintaining a healthy growing environment. The UV protection properties of solid polycarbonate ensure the longevity of the greenhouse structure.

Common Uses of Solid Polycarbonate

Solid polycarbonate is widely utilized in applications that require high strength and durability combined with excellent light transmission. In addition to greenhouse coverings, solid polycarbonate is commonly used for skylights, safety barriers, machine guards, and sound barriers. Its versatility and reliability make it a popular choice for various industrial and commercial projects.

Cellular Polycarbonate

Cellular polycarbonate is constructed with a series of hollow chambers, resembling honeycomb patterns. These chambers are usually arranged vertically, providing excellent insulation properties. Here’s why cellular polycarbonate might be the right choice for your greenhouse:


Cellular polycarbonate comes in various thicknesses and colors, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for your greenhouse project. Whether you need the material to withstand extreme weather conditions or ensure maximum light transmission, cellular polycarbonate has got you covered.


The hollow chambers in cellular polycarbonate act as insulating layers, reducing heat transfer between the interior and exterior of your greenhouse. This insulation property can help maintain a more stable and controlled climate, making it ideal for regions with significant temperature fluctuations.

Light Diffusion

Cellular polycarbonate has light-diffusing qualities, scattering sunlight and preventing direct exposure to your plants. This diffusion ensures even distribution of light throughout the greenhouse, minimizing the risk of sunburn and promoting optimal growth for your crops.

Impact Resistance

Due to the cellular structure, this type of polycarbonate offers excellent impact resistance. It can withstand hail, falling branches, or accidental bumps and still maintain its structural integrity. This durability makes cellular polycarbonate a reliable choice for long-lasting greenhouse structures.

Solid Polycarbonate

Unlike cellular polycarbonate, solid polycarbonate consists of a single, uninterrupted sheet. While it may not possess the insulation properties of its cellular counterpart, it has distinct advantages that make it a viable option for greenhouse construction.

Maximum Light Transmission

Solid polycarbonate offers outstanding light transmission, allowing nearly 90% of natural sunlight to penetrate your greenhouse. This exceptional clarity ensures optimal growth conditions for your plants, particularly sunlight-dependent crops that thrive on direct exposure.

Impact Strength

Solid polycarbonate is known for its remarkable impact strength, making it resistant to cracks, shattering, and breakage. This durability factor is essential, especially if your greenhouse is located in an area prone to extreme weather conditions or high winds.

UV Protection

Polycarbonate naturally absorbs harmful UV rays, protecting your plants from potential damage. Solid polycarbonate exhibits enhanced UV protection, ensuring that your greenhouse interior remains safe from UV radiation, which could harm delicate crops.

Ease of Installation

Due to its solid structure, this type of polycarbonate is typically more rigid and easier to install compared to cellular polycarbonate. It requires fewer connections and supports, reducing the construction time and effort required for your greenhouse project.

Making the Right Choice

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of both cellular and solid polycarbonate, it’s essential to consider your specific greenhouse requirements before making a final decision. Here are some crucial factors to consider:


If you reside in an area with extreme temperature variations, cellular polycarbonate’s insulation properties can help regulate the internal temperature more effectively. On the other hand, if you prioritize maximum light transmission, solid polycarbonate may be the better choice for a sun-drenched location.

Plant Needs

Consider the light requirements of your plants. If you are growing light-sensitive crops, a solid polycarbonate that offers superior light transmission might be ideal. However, if your crops can benefit from diffused light, cellular polycarbonate provides more even light distribution.

Budget and Longevity

While cellular polycarbonate often comes with a higher price tag due to its insulation properties, it can potentially result in energy savings over time. Conversely, solid polycarbonate may require additional insulation options but generally offers a longer lifespan due to enhanced durability.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use cellular polycarbonate for a large commercial greenhouse?

Yes, cellular polycarbonate can be used for larger greenhouses. However, solid polycarbonate may provide slightly better structural support for larger structures.

Is solid polycarbonate more expensive than cellular polycarbonate?

The cost of polycarbonate can vary depending on the brand, quality, and thickness. In general, cellular polycarbonate is more cost-effective than solid polycarbonate.

Can I cut and shape polycarbonate sheets to fit my greenhouse design?

Yes, both cellular and solid polycarbonate can be easily cut and shaped to fit your greenhouse design. However, solid polycarbonate may require more precise cutting due to its solid sheet structure.

Do both cellular and solid polycarbonate offer UV protection?

Yes, both types of polycarbonate offer UV protection. The material contains additives that block harmful UV rays, protecting your plants and the polycarbonate panels.

How long does polycarbonate last in a greenhouse?

With proper installation and maintenance, polycarbonate can last for many years without significant degradation. The lifespan can vary depending on the quality of the material and the environmental conditions.


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