WELCOME to Mazeros We specialize in irrigation,
farm inputs (organic products &soilless medium)
greenhouse / shade nets, dam lining services,borehole
drilling services, hydroponic and vertical farming systems.
Contact Us

Who We Are

We are an Agritech company established in Kenya with the goal of providing astute Agri_irrigation solutions to you the farmer with an aim of ensuring you maximise on your farm output and profits.



What We Do

We specialize in irrigation, farm inputs, greenhouse, shade nets, dam lining services, borehole drilling services, hydroponic and vertical farming systems.

We aim to give you customized solutions for your agribusiness enterprise.


Why Choose Us

There are many things to take into account when choosing a partner in your agribusiness venture, whether venturing on fruit farming, horticultural farming, flower farming, you need a partner who has the technical expertise to guide you in this journey.

We aim to be the understanding partner to offer you solutions that saves you time and money at the most convenient time of your need.

About Us

Your Understanding Patner

Help farmers grow more with less input that is affordable, durable, sustainable and environment friendly.

To drive mass adoption of smart agritech solutions to curb food insecurity, scarcity of water and land.

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Products and Services


Installation of irrigation systems

Various irrigation systems are efficient water and nutrient delivery systems for growing crops depending on the acreage of the farm.

Agri_Ventures require their unique systems depending with factors such as farm size, topography, type of crop and availability of capital and other inputs.

Our technician ensure you get customized advice and solution for your venture.

Irrigation Equipment

Mazero Agrifood is the hub of a wide range of precision irrigation products that make world class systems ensuring maximum utilization of the available inputs.

These include drip pipes, sprinklers, pumps, solar equipment’s etc.

Our Inputs

Mazero Agrifood aims at improving eco-sustainability of production in horticultural systems through selected inputs for your farm.

We have soil medium like Cocopeat and trays to help you in propagation and nurturing of young plants.

Greenhouses and Shade net houses construction

For quite some time globally, farmers have been dealing with natural and man-made variables that have impacted production yields due climate change.

As a farmer you need to prepare in advance for these effects and we are here to guide on the best structures.

Fencing services

Insecurity has been among the many risks farmers face when investing in large scale farming projects. This comes from both humans who steal and animals which eat both the plants and produce.

Mazero Agrifood offers fencing services of different types based on the nature of security needed.

Dam lining services

Mazero Agrifood’s endgame goal is to enable farming production that is efficient and sustainable and is only possible through availability of irrigation water.

Harvesting water run off has been one of efficient way of ensuring you have sufficient irrigation water for your venture, enabling you to have production even in driest of months. Lets us partner and be the guide.



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